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Would you like to write for CDEM?

If you have a topic idea or a specific area of expertise and would like to write for Critical Decisions, please send your suggestions to us today. We are not currently accepting unsolicited (completed) manuscripts, but welcome your proposals. Final article assignments are made by the Critical Decisions Editorial Board to ensure that we provide practical, up-to-date information on all aspects of emergency medicine practice.

Here, you’ll find a downloadable PDF version of the CDEM author guidelines, and a Microsoft Word writing template that can be used to guide the format of your article. Attention to these guidelines is critical to the success of your submission. Using the template will help you ensure that you have included all the required elements in your draft. If you're unfamiliar with our publication, but plan to write for us, please take a moment to review CDEM’s unique format, which will give you a good idea of how to develop your lesson.

Author Guidelines (PDF) Writing Template (Word Doc)

For questions about the focus of your article, its style, or format, please contact us today.