Phase III Course Descriptions

Business Plan Development

The language of our hospital “Suite Cs” (CEO, CFO, COO, CNO) is the language of business. Approaching these leaders with considered and impassioned beliefs will not sell the concept. Buy-in requires a thoughtful, well-researched business plan aligned with the institution’s strategic growth plan. The facilitator will briefly describe a business plan in terms of a hospital program, teaching the basic language practical application to the ED setting.

  • Define language, concept and components of a business plan.
  • List practical applications in the ED / Hospital setting.
  • Create a mini-business plan based on a personal project.
  • Describe presentation of a plan.
  • Explain effective and profitable implementation, including marketing, key personnel, etc.

Conflict Resolution

Most of us know what needs to be done, but often lack the communication skills necessary to get it done. To be effective, we must share our vision with those around us in language that is compelling to them. This often requires recognizing their style and modifying our own. Is it worth it? Is it worth accomplishing your goals?

  • Define the linguistics of communication.
  • Explain how communication mismatches create conflict and how harmonious language styles resolve them.
  • Describe methods to begin, advance and conclude conversations and written communications, including dealing with requests, demands, promises, commitments, and accountability.
  • Practice with multiple pre-defined conflicts among various stakeholders, including conflicts within the department, with other staff and administration.

Driving Change

We all recognize when change should occur…now! It’s making it happen that’s difficult. We’ve got to develop the idea, convince others, create vision, share responsibility, encourage input, include “nay-sayers” and actually implement the program. This critical presentation will take you through the steps from the beginning of a great idea (program) through implementation.

  • Describe the imperative for change.
  • Define the
    • Strategies for change
    • Requirement for in depth planning
  • Need for continuing management to sustain a change process.
  • Explain stakeholder inclusion and coordination of communication.
  • In small group sessions role play various approaches and responses to change.

Executive Coaching Skills: Creating the Best Team Members

Creating the best team must be done “the old fashioned way,” one at a time. Executive coaching is an ongoing partnership that helps individual team members deepen their learning, improve their performance and enhance the quality of their lives. This course will teach you the basics of facilitative one-to-one coaching designed to break through barriers, enhance motivation, and build competencies. This is not about strategies that look good on paper; it’s about learning current state-of-the-art techniques developed in the dynamic field of Executive & Corporate coaching and applying them in a practical manner to develop successful team members.

  • Define Executive coaching concepts that are applicable to the Emergency Department.
  • Develop a “tool-set” of proven coaching techniques.
  • Practice these coaching techniques in individual and group coaching situations.
  • Create an action plan to implement proven coaching techniques in your practice.

Implementing a Risk Management Program

Time, expectations, communication, errors, etc. all conspire against us to create dissatisfaction and poor outcomes. We and our colleagues all experience situations leading to less than optimal care. How are you as the director going to raise quality and decrease errors? How do raise awareness and implement programmatic changes. This course will teach the teachers (you) how to create an effective risk management program.

  • Implement operational procedures to reduce risk, such as protocols for change of shift (sign-out) and return visits.
  • Implement clinical procedures for reviewing and improving care for presentations, such as chest pain, pediatric fever, recheck of abnormal vital signs.
  • Implement procedures decrease exposure to particularly high risk situations, such as AMA, and transfers.
  • Develop review procedures (templates) and use documentation recommendations.

Negotiating Skills

It has been said, “You don’t get what you deserve; you get what you negotiate.” Negotiations, formal or informal, are part of the daily life of the ED leader. This course will sharpen skills with fundamental principles central to negotiating and practice. The facilitator will lead the participants through critical negotiating principles and techniques that can be used in our professional and personal lives to get what we want and deserve.

  • Describe components of successful negotiation.
  • Develop a successful negotiating strategies, starting points, concession and compromise.
  • Overcome hurdles, ploys and deadlocks.
  • Utilize “Principled Negotiation”.
  • Demonstrate power skills of expertise, higher authority, competition.
  • Develop a personal style.

The Problem Provider

The problem provider comes in many forms, among them: bad attitude, poor clinician, slow as molasses, too fast, and impaired. This presentation will focus on the development of early recognition and rapid response. Counseling methods, corrective actions, termination procedures will be described and practiced.

  • Describe typical forms of the problem provider requiring counseling and remediation including impairment, harassment, inefficiency, behavioral issues, poor communication skills, knowledge gaps, etc.
  • Define the components of a counseling session including communication style, content, setting goals, creating buy-in, and documentation.
  • Develop a plan for counseling and remediation and determine how success will be measured.
  • Role play a termination procedure.
  • Provide references after termination.

Targeted Communications for Effective Management

The ED is the topic and you’ve just been called to speak with the CEO and two board members, or a complaining department of medicine, or your physicians. Are you prepared? Can you tell a compelling story and persuade them? Can you read your audience and respond with flexibility to the situation at hand. This important presentation will teach you how to make important presentations by teaching skills and allow practice in several components of presentation / communication.

  • Differentiate between effective and ineffective communications.
  • Create persuasive written communications, memos, letters.
  • Define the components of compelling oral presentations.
  • Respond to requests for “spontaneous” brief presentations (including media responses).
  • Develop brief formal presentations to convey an important concept.
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