Resident Education

Trent She, MD, FACEP - Chair

David Suwondo, MD - Chair-elect

Tiffany Fong, MD, FACEP - Immediate Past Chair


Purpose: To improve Emergency Medicine Resident training and involvement in Emergency Ultrasound. 

Goals for the year:

  1. Create a task force that will partner with the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine’s Academy of Emergency US, and CORD to revise the PC 12 Milestone.
  2. Create an Education Toolbox for under supported EUS programs including OSCEs, Multiple choice tests, standardized evaluations, and simulation vignettes.

View the Ultrasound Speaker Matrix

Looking for a different voice during your resident didactics? Or needing someone with special expertise on a topic? Here is the compiled Ultrasound Speaker Matrix. There are some amazing speakers and a great variety of topics. You can filter by any specific needs (in person vs. virtual, certain topics, a specific audience, etc.) by clicking the filter button on the top left and selecting what you need. To get more information on a specific speaker, just click anywhere on their box and their entire entry for the Matrix will show up.  

Want to join the matrix? Click here to fill out the form

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