Virtual Hill Day

Now more than ever, your voices must be heard.

Virtual Hill Day is your chance to advocate on behalf of your patients, yourself, and your practice as you discuss the issues and resources you need most during the COVID-19 pandemic with Members of Congress and their key staff.

You will be attending these virtual meetings with others from your state.  ACEP, Soapbox and chapter leaders will put together advocacy teams with new attendees and veterans, many of whom have worked with your legislators and their staff over the years.

Your voice is important during this vital time in emergency medicine so this event is free for ACEP Members.

Limited to only 600 participants. The deadline to register is April 22, 2020.

April 28, 2020 | Noon - 5:00 pm ET

Registration is now closed.


ACEP will work with Soapbox Consulting LLC to schedule your Virtual Hill Visits in advance of the calls.

To help you prepare, ACEP will host a webinar for registrants to brief you on the issues and prepare you to address these topics with your legislators. This live webinar with Q&A will be on Thursday, April 23 at 1:00 pm ET. If you are unable to make the live session, it will be recorded and sent to all registrants.

More information will be sent after you register including a link to the briefing session, information direct from Soapbox with your appointments and call-in details, and any other important information you need.

It is extremely important that if you register for the Virtual Hill Day that you make every effort to attend. These meetings are set up in advance with Congress and we do not want to waste your colleagues or Congress' time. We know things change, so please let ACEP know if you cannot make the appointments at your earliest convenience, so we can change appointments and use your spot for waiting list.

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