National Emergency Medicine PAC

Protect emergency medicine for our patients and our communities

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National Emergency Medicine PAC (NEMPAC)

In 1980, ACEP founded its bipartisan federal political action committee, the National Emergency Medicine Political Action Committee (NEMPAC), to help promote ACEP’s legislative goals and express the concerns of emergency medicine to Members of Congress. NEMPAC is the financial vehicle through which ACEP members can support the election or re-election of federal candidates who share their commitment to emergency medicine. NEMPAC pools smaller donations from individual ACEP members, donating them in one unified contribution on behalf of the entire profession.

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NEMPAC Pulse Newsletter

Read the May edition.

2022 Election Cycle Report

Learn about our candidate criteria in the 2022 election cycle, the incumbents and candidates we supported, our legislative accomplishments in the 117th Congress and more!

Candidates Supported

Click here for list of candidates NEMPAC has supported this election cycle.

Support the PAC

View how your donation to NEMPAC keeps emergency medicine issues front-and-center with federal candidates.

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