The Role of Emergency Physicians in Emergency Medical Services for Children

Reaffirmed February 2018, April 2012, October 2006

Originally approved March 2000


The American College of Emergency Physicians believes emergency physicians, as leaders in emergency medical services (EMS), have a pivotal role in the integration of emergency medical services for children (EMSC). Emergency physicians impact the EMS-EMSC continuum in important ways by providing:

  • Leadership in the area of injury and illness prevention.
  • Leadership in local, regional, and state EMS and EMSC systems by involvement in the provision of medical direction (oversight), education of providers, quality improvement, and legislative advocacy.
  • Collaboration with other physicians and health care professionals to enhance the medical home for children, including referral to primary care, specialized care, and rehabilitation services.
  • Research in the design and function of EMS systems, education of providers, out-of-hospital and emergency care interventions, and outcomes of emergency care.
  • Expertise for and collaborate with the National EMSC Program (Maternal and Child Health Bureau in collaboration with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration).
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