
Recent Reforms Enacted (since 2003)

Reduces non-economic damages cap to $250,000 per claimant, adjusted annually for inflation. The previous cap had grown to $682,000. Limits joint and several liability. (2003)

Passed I'm Sorry protection for physician statements of apology. (2006)

Emergency Care Provision None
Reform Elements In Law $250K Cap
Joint Liability
Collateral Source
Periodic Payment
Expert Witness
Pre-Trial Screening
I'm Sorry Protection
Constitutional Status of Reforms Untested
Change in Insurance Rates AMA reports at least one insurer raised rates as much as 25 to 40% in 2004.
Insurance Availability Information not available.
Change in Physician Availability Information not available.
Change in Cases Filed/Awards 32 paid claims in 2003 or 13.3 per 1000 active nonfederal physicians.  US avg. was 18.8 per 1000.  27 paid claims in 2005 or 11 per 1000 active nonfederal physicians.  US avg. was 17.1 per 1000. (Kaiser) 31 total number of paid claims for 2006 or 10.3 per 1,000 active, non-federal physicians. 23 paid claims in 2007.
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