Candidate Forum Subcommittee

The Candidate Forum Subcommittee is a subcommittee of the Council Steering Committee. 

Subcommittee members develop questions for written response from Board, president-elect, and Council officer candidates and also plan and host the annual Candidate Forum.

Kelly Gray-Eurom, MD, FACEP (FL) Chair

Erik Blutinger, MD, MSc, FACEP (NY)
Sara Ann Brown, MD, FACEP (IN)
Emily Fitz, MD, FACEP (TX)
Vik Gulati, MD, FACEP (CA)
Carlton Heine, MD, FACEP (WA)
Amanda Irish, MD (EMRA)
C. Ryan Keay, MD, FACEP (WA)
Phillip Luke LeBas, MD, FACEP (LA)
Diana Nordlund, DO, JD, FACEP (MI)
Bing Pao, MD, FACEP (CA)
Gary Starr, MD, MBA, FACEP (VT)
Thomas J. Sugarman, MD, FACEP (CA)

Sonja Montgomery, CAE, ACEP Staff

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