Federal Issues

Physician Staff Requirement in Emergency Departments

The American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) is a staunch supporter of physician-led team-based care that ensures that every patient has access to high quality medical care from an educated and...

Arjun Venkatesh, MD, MBA, MHS


Medical Summit on Firearm Injury Prevention Promotes Collaborative Approach to Address Firearm Violence

E-QUAL Sponsors

ACEP Reacts to Final Rule of No Surprises Act

Emergency Reproductive Health

Data Collection Requirements for COVID-19 Tests

Capital (30) Minutes

Advocating Against 2021 Medicare Cuts

Acute Unscheduled Care Model

Emergency Quality Network (E-QUAL)

Senate Approves ACEP-Supported Opioid Legislation

E-QUAL Network Sepsis Initiative

ACEP-Supported Innovations Bill Sent to President

Congress Approves Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act

E-QUAL Network Opioid Initiative

E-QUAL Avoidable Imaging Initiative - Archive

ACEP and Medical Community Express Concerns to CMS About RAC Audits

Amendments Offered to Ensure EM Access

VIDEO: Fair Health

EMTALA Services Medical Liability Reform (HR836)

ACEP Shares AHA Report on Value of EM

Highlights from the Medicare Hospital Outpatient Final Rule for 2010

Medical Liability Reform

Medicare Physician Payment Update

Highlights from Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Final Rule for 2010